Enshrouded Alchemy
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Twitch Drops

Watch streams. Get in-game rewards.

Reward Torso

Flame Pact Boots & Pants

Watch 1 hour
Reward Torso

Flame Pact Gloves

Watch 1 hour 30 min
Reward Torso

Flame Pact Vest

Watch 2 hours
Reward Torso

Diamond Wall Emblem

Watch 3 hours
Reward Torso

Flame Pact Hat

Watch 4 hours

Frequently Asked Questions

All Enshrouded streams with drops enabled will progress you toward earning drops. However, streamer-specific drops will require you to watch a specific streamer to get their drops. Participating streamers and their conditions will be announced when available

Drops are also accumulative. As long as you are watching the streams with Enshrouded category, your watch times will be added towards your drop progression.

You can track your progress on the Twitch Drops Inventory page.

No, you’ll only be eligible to receive the drop for one active channel at a time. Watching more than one channel simultaneously will not result in more drops.

Once you claim the drops you earned in your Twitch inventory, they will appear in the twitch sub menu in the in-game menu (going back to the main menu might be necessary).

Open the menu in-game, navigate to twitch drops. You can claim your item(s) to your character inventory (unless your backpack is full).

No, you will only need a Twitch account and a Steam account that has Enshrouded in its library.

You can unlink your old Twitch account by signing in with Steam on this page and then clicking the Unlink account button. Then you’ll be able to link your account normally again.

You can claim the items with multiple characters, it is not limited for the cosmetic items. Go to the in-game twitch menu and claim them again.

Don't worry Flameborn. All the Twitch drop rewards are part of the game. You can still acquire them through quests, achievements, discovery etc.